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Extreme cold expected tonight through to Saturday morning

Jan 07, 2022
SIMCOE MUSKOKA — Environment Canada has forecasted extreme cold conditions for Muskoka, as wind chill values near -35° C are expected tonight and early Saturday morning.

SIMCOE MUSKOKA — Environment Canada has forecasted extreme cold conditions for Muskoka, as wind chill values near -35° C are expected tonight and early Saturday morning.

Decreasing temperatures can put everyone at risk for cold-related illness or injury, such as frostbite and hypothermia. Health risks are greatest for those who are marginally housed or homeless, outdoor workers and sports enthusiasts, older adults, infants and children, and persons with preexisting medical conditions such as heart or lung disease.

To reduce your risk, avoid exposure to the cold by covering exposed skin with a hat, gloves, scarf, and take regular breaks from the cold, in warm locations whenever possible.

For more information about cold and its impact on your health visit


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