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Climate Change

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Climate Change

We often hear about the environmental impacts of climate change. Less often do we hear about how climate change is affecting human health.

The potential health impacts of climate change are varied. They may directly affect us through:

  • food insecurity due to changing environments;
  • increased range and transmission of infectious disease;
  • air pollution and temperature stress;
  • reduced access to safe water; and
  • injuries related to extreme weather events.

The impacts may also indirectly affect us and include psychosocial impacts and population displacement. The changes associated with climate change may be widespread, and will be experienced globally, nationally, provincially, and locally.

The health unit plays a role in helping our communities lessen the effects of, and adapt to, the impacts of climate change.


  • Identify health vulnerabilities related to climate change.
  • Engage with municipal stakeholders, community members, and the broader public health community to increase awareness of climate change through mitigation and adaptation strategies.
  • Support our communities to mitigate and adapt to the impacts that climate change will have on the populations of Simcoe Muskoka.

What Matters to Your Health

Everyone will feel the effects of climate change. But the effects will be greater for vulnerable populations. Factors like age, gender, health status and access to resources play a role in how much impact our changing climate will have on our health.

A Priority Public Health Issue

We have identified climate change as a priority public health issue, and to address its health impacts we have created a climate change action plan. Recently, we published a report to identify health impacts of climate change in Simcoe Muskoka: A Changing Climate: Assessing health impacts & vulnerabilities due to climate change within Simcoe Muskoka. As a companion to this report, an interactive Climate Change Story Map can be accessed on our HealthSTATS website.

Reducing Emissions

We can all contribute to lessening the impact of climate change. One of the ways to do this is through reducing our personal carbon emissions. You can reduce your emissions by:

  • reducing waste
  • driving less - using active or public transportation options
  • planting trees

For More Information

Call Health Connection at 705-721-7520 or toll-free 1-877-721-7520, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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