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Youth 12 to 17 encouraged to book COVID-19 vaccine appointments

May 28, 2021
SIMCOE MUSKOKA – Tomorrow at 8:00 a.m., thousands of new COVID-19 vaccination appointments will become available and the health unit is encouraging youth ages 12 -17 to book their first dose in June with the expectation that they will receive their second does two weeks before school starts.

SIMCOE MUSKOKA –  Tomorrow at 8:00 a.m., thousands of new COVID-19 vaccination appointments will become available and the health unit is encouraging youth ages 12 -17 to book their first dose in June with the expectation that they will receive their second does two weeks before school starts. Vaccines are an important tool in helping to stop the spread of COVID-19 and allow students and families to resume normal activities and can help to keep schools open.

COVID-19 vaccine appointments can be made through the provincial booking system or the Provincial Vaccine Booking Line: 1-833-943-3900, as well as at select pharmacies administering the Pfizer vaccine. To book an appointment online, individuals must already be 12 years old as of the date of their booking and be able to provide informed consent before receiving their vaccine.

For more information about COVID-19 and who is eligible for an appointment, please visit our COVID-19 pages at


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