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COVID-19 Clinic Update

Mar 22, 2021
SIMCOE MUSKOKA – Difficulties with the provincial COVID-19 booking system that resulted in appointment delays and line ups at vaccination clinics over the weekend now appear to be resolved.

SIMCOE MUSKOKA – Difficulties with the provincial COVID-19 booking system that resulted in appointment delays and line ups at vaccination clinics over the weekend now appear to be resolved. The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit thanks everyone who attended the clinics for their patience.

As a reminder when going to a clinic appointment:

  • Arrive no more than 10 minutes early, to minimize the number of people waiting
  • You will be immunized by appointment time, not first-come first-served
  • Be sure to bring your health card, or other form of proof of eligibility as required

Those who can book their appointments now include:

  • Adults turning 75 years of age or older (born in 1946 or earlier)

Pre-registration is available for:

For more about COVID-19 and the immunization roll out, please see


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