Pregnancy is a time that brings with it changes to your body, your mood, and other things in your life. It’s normal to have questions and concerns. Having the answers will help you make good decisions about how to take care of yourself and your growing baby.
- Provide prenatal education and information, both in person and online.
- Support parents to make informed decisions about feeding their babies
- Work with community organizations to support expectant families.
- Assess and report on the health of the prenatal population.
What Matters to Your Health
Your health during pregnancy is important
Getting early and regular prenatal care supports a healthy pregnancy. It may prevent and/or identify a health issue, give you a chance to ask questions, and get you connected with helpful community services.
Eating well, taking a daily prenatal vitamin with folic acid, and getting some regular physical activity will benefit your physical and mental health, and be good for your growing baby. It is best for the growing baby if you do not smoke, drink alcohol or use recreational drugs during pregnancy.
Prenatal education has many benefits
Prenatal education is an important part of your care during pregnancy. Learning about pregnancy through credible sources will help you make decisions about how to take care of yourself and your growing baby, including information about feeding your baby.
There are many changes that come with the arrival of a new baby
Self-care and having a support system is important for new parents and the new baby.
For more information:
Contact Health811 24 hours, 7 days week. Call 811 (TTY1-866-797-0000) or via live chat.
External Links
Your Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy English/Francais
Your Guide to Postpartum Health and Caring for your Baby English/Francais
Pregnancy Info English/Francais
Healthy Start for Baby and Me (PDF 15.0 / 27.6 MB) English/Francais