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Photo of chefs in kitchen
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Food Service Operators

Online results

The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU) has made recent inspection results available online for most food premises in the County of Simcoe and District of Muskoka. Inspection results may be displayed from January 1, 2014 onwards, due to the fact that this was the date of notice to all operators.

What information will be available to the public?

The following information for each food premises will be posted online at

  • Name of food premises
  • Full address
  • Type of food premises (e.g. restaurant, bakery, institution)
  • Inspections
    • Date of inspection
    • Type of inspection (routine or re-inspection)
    • Number of critical and non-critical infractions per inspection
    • List of critical and non-critical infractions per inspection
    • Legal enforcement and/or action taken
The owner and operator information for each food premises will not be posted.
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