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Simcoe Muskoka Opioid Strategy

Simcoe Muskoka Opioid Strategy

The Simcoe Muskoka Opioid Strategy (SMOS) is a large partnership of agencies, organizations and individuals that is working together to address opioid related harms in our communities.


The final report, Simcoe Muskoka Opioid Strategy (SMOS) A Report on Actions (2018-2021) is available. This report reviews the goals and actions completed as part of the three-year action plan.  Originally the action plan was developed with all activities wrapping up in 2020, however in March of that year a global pandemic was declared. It was soon recognized that the pandemic greatly impacted people who use drugs locally, provincially and nationally. Due to this, SMOS activities continued into 2021.

Even though all activities from the SMOS Action Plan were completed, the rate of opioid-related deaths has not gone down. The initial large spike in deaths that occurred in 2017, both in Simcoe Muskoka and provincially, stabilized in Simcoe Muskoka from 2017 to 2019; however, it increased significantly again in 2020 along with the COVID-19 pandemic, both in Simcoe Muskoka and the province. With the great need that exists, there is still much progress to be made on many of the SMOS goals and activities, and on new priority areas that have emerged since the action plan was created.

What is next?

SMOS Steering Committee members have developed priorities for 2022 to continue the work while a refreshed drug strategy is developed.

Priorities being considered in a refreshed drug strategy include:

  • Exploring broadening the scope of the strategy to include all illicit substances.

A great deal has been achieved and learned while the SMOS Action Plan (2018-2020) was implemented. An equal amount of attention and priority will be needed over the coming years to address the continuing opioid crisis. The SMOS Steering Committee is extremely grateful to all individuals and organizations who have made contributions to help prevent and address the harms related to substance use in our communities.

For previous reports and status updates on SMOS actions visit 


Here are highlights of actions taken to address opioid-related harms in our communities.

Prevention Pillar 

Treatment Pillar

Harm Reduction Pillar

Enforcement Pillar

Emergency Management Pillar

Data and Evaluation Pillar

Lived Experience Pillar

For previous reports and status updates on SMOS actions visit

The SMOS Scorecard and Dashboard provide a detailed, final update on the Action Plan outcome indicators that SMOS has monitored (scorecard), as well as the process indicators used to monitor pillar-level goals and objectives (dashboard).

For previous reports and status updates on SMOS actions visit

In May 2018,  An Action Plan for Our Communities was launched as a three-year strategy (2018-2020) that outlined a comprehensive plan for how partners were to move forward together to address the complex issue of opioid-related harms in our communities.

The work of SMOS progressed over several years and updates were provided to stakeholders and the community at large through the SMOS Action Plan 2018 Status Update,  Newsletters  and the SMOS Action Plan Status Update 2019 – Scorecard and Pillar Dashboards.  

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