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Infectious Diseases in Schools

Reporting diseases of public health significance

School principals are legally required to report suspect or confirmed Diseases of Public Health Significance to their local health unit. This list includes such diseases, please report it to us as soon as possible using the form below:

When investigating disease of public health significance, we may contact the school principal (or designate) to request additional information to inform our assessment. If the disease is confirmed, we will conduct further assessment to determine the risk to others.

Notifying staff, students and families

If we identify that there is a risk to other members of the school community, we will work together with the school principal and appropriate school board to ensure that students, families, and school employees are properly notified.

Schools are asked not to communicate information about infectious diseases without reviewing with us. This helps to ensure that the public receives accurate information and follow-up recommendations (e.g. to seek medical attention) for protecting themselves and their families.

Infection Prevention and Control

Schools are encouraged to follow infection prevention and control recommendations, in order to help prevent the spread of illness.

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