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Food and Nutrition

Food Prep and Cooking

  • Try these easy-to-follow recipes in this (PDF) picture cookbook.  
  • Watch back-to-basics cooking videos to learn how to prepare and handle food.   
  • Washing and storing fresh fruits and vegetables the right way can extend their freshness. Check out these videos for helpful tips

                           - Everyday tips for washing vegetables and fruit (video)

                           - How to store fruit to keep them fresh (video)

                           - How to store vegetables to keep them fresh (video)

  • Learn how to enjoy local produce all year long by(PDF) freezing fruit and (PDF) freezing vegetables.  This video will give you simple steps to freeze food right. 
  • Learn about Ontario-grown vegetables and fruit at Foodland Ontario .    
  • Click here to learn how to handle food safely.  
  • Learn healthy tips and get ideas with (PDF) Healthy Cooking Starts at Home
  • Find out how healthy your favourite recipes are by using the online Recipe Analyzer  at Dietitians of Canada.  Learn ways to make your recipe healthier by following the tips to increase fibre, lower fat or add nutrients to your meals.
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