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Food and Nutrition

Our Local Food System

Bringing healthy food home...

Do you know where your food comes from? Check out the video clip to find out more about the pressures on local food and some ideas on what can be done to help turn things around.

Most of the time the vegetables, fruit and other fresh and packaged foods available to us have traveled thousands of kilometres from all corners of the globe: asparagus in November, strawberries in February, corn on the cob in June - all no farther away than your local grocery store. Generally our diets are no longer in harmony with local growing conditions and food traditions.  Years ago, most of the food that ended up on dinner tables was grown in fields and pastures a relatively short distance away – or even harvested from the family back yard garden. But what kind of impact does our dependence on this year ‘round availability of global foods have on the present and future health of our own local food system? 

Choose locally grown foods more often. Ask food stores and restaurants to feature local foods. Shop at farmers’ markets and consider joining a community garden or using balcony or yard space to grow some of your own.     



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