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Sun Safety Resources for Secondary Educators

Youth spend a large portion of the day at school. It is essential to provide education about the importance of sun safety and to consider how to prevent over exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. As an educator, you are an important role model and in a unique position to start the conversation about the importance of UV radiation protection.

The health risks of being exposed to UV radiation, from the sun or from tanning equipment, far outweigh the benefits. Children and youth receive up to 80% of their total UV life dose before the age of 18 (Health Canada). When individuals expose their skin to UV rays – whether from the sun, tanning beds or sun lamps – there is an increased risk of skin cancer. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer diagnosed in Canada, and also one of the most preventable.

  • Sun and Ultraviolet Radiation – The Canadian Cancer Society’s website contains credible background information on sun safety topics such as indoor tanning, the UV index, preventing skin cancer, vitamin D supplements and more.
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