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Does your child need a yearly eye exam? Children should have their first eye exam at 6-9 months of age, again at 2-3 years old and every year after that. In Ontario, children 0-19 years of age can get one OHIP-covered eye exam a year. If follow-ups are necessary, those visits are also covered.

Vision is important for child development. However, one in four school-age children may have a vision problem. For parents/caregivers, there are sometimes no obvious signs or symptoms to indicate that their child has a vision problem. A child who cannot see properly may struggle with learning, and may find sports and other physical activities difficult.

The health unit provides in-school vision screening for Senior Kindergarten children. Screening can identify children who are at high risk or already presenting with vision problems. We also promote regular visits to optometrists, and provide information about how to find an optometrist and programs to help pay for glasses.


Eye see … Eye Learn – Only for children in junior kindergarten. This program provides a comprehensive eye exam. If your child needs glasses, they will receive a free pair.

*Participating optometrist will have a note beside their name saying, "Eye See... Eye Learn doctor".

Find a participating optometrist

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