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Alcohol And Pregnancy

There is no safe amount, no safe kind or no safe time to drink alcohol when you are pregnant. If you drink alcohol while you are pregnant, you are at risk of having a baby with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).

FASD is a brain injury that occurs when a developing baby is exposed to alcohol. A developing baby breaks down alcohol more slowly than an adult does. Even small amounts can create high blood levels for the developing baby leading to permanent brain damage. It's a lifelong disorder. FASD effects the whole body including physical, mental, behavioural development and can cause learning disabilities.

If not drinking alcohol while pregnant is difficult for you, it is important to talk to your health care provider for help and support. Every step taken to stop drinking during pregnancy is helpful. Drinking habits are highly influenced by those around. Partners, family and friends can also help to support an alcohol-free pregnancy.


Alcohol, Pregnancy and Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: What Men Can Do To Help (PDF 807KB)


Your Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy: Alcohol English / Francais
Alcohol-free is Supportive English / Francais
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) English / Francais

Help and Support:

If you are using alcohol while pregnant, there are community supports for you and your family, or talk to your health care provider.

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