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If you have questions about your health, here's what we can offer:


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Want information about sex and sexual health services?

Check here.
Don't worry! All our services are confidential.

Fighting a tobacco addiction?

We can help! Visit here.
DRUGS Want to know more about alcohol and other drugs?
Get started here... You'll find there are a lot of places you can turn to.

Need help with stress?

We have advice and links to other stress-related resources. 

Want to find out more about nutrition and how to eat right?

Best food choices, and why, right here.


Researching a project for school?

Pick a topic from this page.

If you need health data, don't miss our HealthSTATS pages.


Do you have issues at your school such as bullying or a lack of programs to keep students active?

It only takes one person to start change!

Speak up! Fight for change!

Talk to a nurse at Health Connection about starting a Healthy School Committee.

Search Web

Just searching the web for answers isn't always going to be helpful. 

You can contact us for more information

Call, visit or send us your questions online

Message a nurse on's confidential

Follow what we're talking about on Twitter.


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If you have any questions or concerns that require a response, please contact Health Connection directly.

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