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Mental Health Resources for Secondary Educators

Given the link between emotional well-being and academic achievement, schools play an important role in promoting positive mental health. Educators can work to promote positive mental health within the school by providing education to students that works towards increasing protective factors, decreasing risk factors, increasing resiliency and decreasing inequities. Visit School Mental Health Ontario for ways that educators can contribute to creating and sustaining a welcoming and inclusive school climate. 

  • Ophea: H&PE Secondary Resources are available to support secondary educators with implementation of the Health and Physical Education curriculum for Grades 9 to 12. 
  • School Mental Health Ontario offers a free Educator Resource Guide for supporting student mental health and well-being, that includes a variety of learning activities, supports and resources for sharing with secondary students and their parents / families.
  • Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada – The Stress Lessons ® and Stress Lessons: Tools for Resilience ® programs provides educators with the awareness, knowledge and skills to help students become more resilient and healthier, by learning to manage stress. With classroom lessons for Grades 9 to 12 and a range of parent education sessions available, the program compliments a comprehensive school approach.
  • Mental Health & High School Curriculum Guide – Suggested for Grades 9 to12. Educators will find six interactive web-based classroom-ready modules written in the form of lesson plans that include both print-based classroom activities and audio-visual activities. Although the material is intended primarily for use in Health and Physical Education courses, it may also fit well with a number of other curriculum areas including Social Science and Humanities. 
For more information on any of these programs, contact your School Health public health nurse or contact Health Connection at 705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520. 
  • Positive Mental Health Toolkit – Designed to promote positive mental health perspectives and practices within the school. The toolkit is meant to facilitate a shift in practice and to assist in engaging school and community strengths to foster the positive growth and development of children and youth.
  • Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) CAMH conducts the Ontario Student Drug Use and Health Survey every two years with Grade 7 to 12 students. They also provide current information and resources on drug, alcohol and mental health issues. CAMH has resources directed towards teachers.
  • Promoting Mental Health: Finding a Shared Language video: video for staff explaining the interconnected concepts of mental health and mental illness, as well as what it means to ‘promote mental health’ in ourselves and in our community.
  • Mind Your Mind – This program engages youth, emerging adults and the professionals who serve them to co-develop reliable and relevant resources with the goal of reducing stigma associated with mental illness and encouraging youth to access community supports, both professional and peer-based. Through the use of active engagement, best practice and technology, Mind Your Mind inspires youth to reach out, get help and give help.
  • Supporting Minds: An Educator’s Guide to Promoting Students’ Mental Health and Well-being is designed to provide educators with information on the early signs of mental health and addiction problems, along with strategies that can be used in the classroom to support students (kindergarten to Grade 12).
  • Y-Mind Teen – A free, virtual 7-week mental wellness program for teens ages 13 to 18 years old, who are experiencing symptoms of mild-to-moderate anxiety or stress. Led by trained local social workers to help participants learn and practice evidence-based strategies to help manage anxiety and increase coping.
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