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Pets & Animals

Interacting with animals can be a joyful and valuable learning experience for young children. However, it is important that child care centres take steps to ensure children stay safe and healthy during these interactions. If your child care centre chooses to have an animal on-side (resident or visitor) consult the Ministry of Health's Recommendations for the Management of Animals in Child Care Settings. Child care centres must have a written policy and procedure in place that clearly identifies IPAC practices related to animals at the centre. Petting zoos are another example where children may interact with animals on or off-site at the centre, more information can be found on the Petting Zoo page. 

Animal Bites, Scratches or Other Exposures

If a child or staff member is bitten or scratched by an animal while attending the child care centre, it is recommended to seek medical attention immediately.  Always call 911 in an emergency such as severe or critical injury. If a child has been bitten or scratched, contact the child's parent or guardian immediately and inform them that you will be reporting the incident to SMDHU.

Learn more about rabies and what to do and how to report an animal exposure if a child or staff is bitten or scratched by an animal.  

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