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Screening & Assessment

The first step in fall prevention is to conduct a multifactorial risk assessment.  The American and British Geriatric Societies recommend that primary health care providers ask all older adults at least once a year about falls, the frequency of falling and any difficulties in gait and balance.  According to the recommendation, any older person who presents with an acute fall (fall with an injury), has difficulty with gait or balance, or reports two or more falls in the previous 12 months warrants a comprehensive risk assessment.

Tools for Fall Risk Assessment
Screening (S), Assessment (A)

An Environmental Scan of Older Adult Fall Prevention Indicators
Screening and Assessment Tools for Falls In Older Adults In Ontario

Screening and assessment for frailty

Tools for medication assessment

Extra support or referral

Fall Prevention Community of Practice - LOOP
Ontario Fall Prevention Collaborative
North Simcoe Muskoka Specialized Geriatric Services – Clinical Services

  • Central Intake Services
  • Geriatric Mental Health
  • GeriMedRisk
  • Seniors CARE Exercise Program
  • Complex Case Resolution
  • eConsult


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