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Active at work

With busy work schedules, many people feel there is no time to be physically active. However, adding physical activity into your day, even ten minutes at a time, may be easier than you think. It’s a great way to reduce stress, relieve tension and increase your energy during your workday.  Take a break by stepping outside for a brisk walk.   

Consider using active transportation to get to and from work. Walk or cycle when you can and combine this with public transportation for longer distances.

If your job involves a lot of sitting, think of ways to stand and move more often.  Some ideas include:

  • standing up when you’re talking with others and during meetings;
  • taking the stairs instead of the elevator;
  • walking on breaks and during lunch; and
  • parking further away from the building.

Here are some links you can use to help add physical activity into your workday.


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