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11 search results for Naloxone

A Naloxone Kit Can Save Your Life
A Naloxone Kit Can Save Your Life, Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, for: Naloxone saves lives Naloxone can reverse an opioid overdose. Opioids are drugs that are usually used to treat pain, but some people use them to get high. Naloxone acts quickly, . People who get a Naloxone kit will receive training on how to give it, call 911 and stay until help, information on Naloxone, and where to access your free Naloxone kit in Ontario
Naloxone kits and training are available free of charge and without a prescription for people at risk of overdose and their family and friends. Naloxone kits are available at the Simcoe Muskoka, are not required. Call your pharmacy ahead of time to make sure a Naloxone kit is available.You can find where to access a kit in your community by accessing: Where to get a free naloxone kit, . How to reverse an overdose - Naloxone
with and train staff of designated agencies/services in the use and distribution of Naloxone kits, External Links Get naloxone kits for free What is Addiction? Drug Free Kids Canada, District Health Unit. All Rights Reserved. Drugs, opioids, overdose, naloxone
Drugs & Alcohol Patient Resource
of Naloxone kits. Collaborate with community and provincial partners on current drug-related issues, a.m. to 4:30 p.m. External Links Get naloxone kits for free What is Addiction? Drug Free Kids
Safer substance use
safer substance use. Currently SMDHU offers: Safe injecting kits Safe smoking kits Naloxone, reduction; injecting drugs; smoking drugs; drug overdose; opioids, naloxone, needles, disposal, safer
Chronic Disease & Injury Prevention
opioid use Harm Reduction Services Where to find Naloxone near you.AlcoholAlcoholics Anonymous, exchange program Preventing Problematic Substance Use Harm Reduction Services Where to get a Naloxone Kit
SMDHU Annual Report 2020-2021
reduction services, the health unit coordinated the distribution of Naloxone kits and needle exchange, contracts with SMDHU to distribute Naloxone through the Ontario Naloxone Program. Five new partner
Annual Report 2022
needle exchange program and naloxone distribution support and services for community partnerships. The health unit onboarded two new needle exchange and six new naloxone distribution program partners and provided training and education for all. During the year, 2924 naloxone kits were distributed by naloxone distribution partnerships and 9,122 needle exchange program clients were provided services
Consumption and treatment services
are part of a harm reduction approach that aims to provide:Overdose prevention (naloxone, oxygen
SCS selection advisory committee
and naloxone program indicators and others to determine geographic boundaries within which to conduct

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